The end of 2017 marks the end of the first year of FCM’s Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program (MCIP), a five-year, $75-million program designed to encourage Canadian municipalities to better prepare for and adapt to the new realities of a changing climate.
Municipalities can now apply for funding through MCIP to support a range of initiatives including climate change adaptation plans, GHG emission reduction and community energy plans, climate adaptation studies, and climate mitigation studies related to energy, water, transportation and other areas. The program offers grants for climate change plans and studies, as well as capital projects.
A rapidly changing climate presents new challenges and potential risks for our built environment. In addition to offering a range of climate adaptation services, Prism can assist you with available funding applications to support climate adaptation initiatives in your municipality.
Contact us to learn more about our climate adaptation services and how we can help support your organization’s climate adaptation planning.