
Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC & BC Agriculture Council



Prism conducted the engineering services for Phase 1 and 2 of the BC Farms Energy Assessment Pilot Project. Through these two phases, 47 individual farm assessments were completed for 12 different farm types across BC.

Results of the Phase 1 pilot study identified annual energy savings potential of over 60,000 GJ or $500,000 for 27 farms assessed. This equates to a reduction in emissions of 2,895 tons CO2/year. Average energy cost savings per farm were 4.2%.

In partnership with the Investment Agriculture Foundation and BC Agriculture Council, Prism carried out an analysis on the needs and opportunities associated with energy efficiency on farm energy production and GHG emission reductions for five local grain farms with the following objectives:
1. Determine the sector’s key energy efficiency needs and identify gaps in current programming and incentives;
2. Develop a framework for measurement/assessment that contributes to benchmarking (for all fuels) for the sector;
3. Provide participating farms with a breakdown of energy consumption both by fuel type and for energy use (end use);
4. Determine the potential for cost-savings and greenhouse gas emission reductions through all fuel farm energy assessments in BC;
5. identify opportunities associated with recovery/recycling of wasted energy and/or on-farm energy production;
6. Build awareness and understanding within the agricultural sector with respect to existing utility demand side management (DSM) programs and incentives;
7. Provide recommendations about what resources/tools are needed to support the sector with energy efficiency.

Prism developed a Pre-Assessment Survey for each of the farm types assessed. The survey asked each farm questions pertinent to their farming operation and energy use to provide background information prior to visiting the farm.
Prism then collaborated with BC Hydro and Fortis BC to obtain electricity and gas consumption and cost data for the account numbers provided on the consent forms.

Farm Visit
Prism visited each farm to discuss energy use and operations with farm personnel so that a high-level assessment of energy management opportunities could be made. An information package was also presented to each farm during the visit containing information on financial incentives for energy related projects available for the agricultural sector in British Columbia.

Analysis – BC Farm Energy Assessment (BC FEA) Tool
Using the information gathered during the farm visits, and from preliminary research, Prism has developed a Farm Energy Assessment (BC FEA) Tool. This tool allows the user to enter inputs based on the format and questions in the Pre-Assessment Survey to provide outputs for each farm on their energy use and potential opportunities for energy management.