Strategic Energy Management (SEM) is a holistic approach to energy management that enables organizations to achieve long-term, persistent, energy savings.

Instead of managing energy saving projects one by one, SEM provides the tools to manage energy in a coordinated and strategic way across an organization — helping to increase profitability, create a competitive advantage, and achieve greater resiliency.  This approach includes using low-cost behavioural, operational and maintenance related opportunities, as well as capital investment opportunities.

Our Strategic Energy Management Services include:

Whether your organization already has a well-structured SEM program or is still at the early stages of considering one, Prism can support you through the process to take your energy management program to the next level.

Here’s how we do it:

Getting Started
Program Development
Ongoing Support
Renew and Refresh
  • Refresh your SEMP to keep it meaningful and current
  • Measure and evaluate successes and determine next steps
  • Support you with the implementation of ISO 50001 (Energy Management Systems)

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